- authors
- Ming Zhang, Shuqiao Zhang, Haitan Xu, Hankai Zhang, Xiangxu Mu, R. J. Dwayne Miller, Anatoly Ischenko, Oriol Vendrell, Zheng Li
- date published
- Dec. 22, 2020
- journal
- arXiv:2012.11899 [quant-ph]
- volume, number
- web page
- https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.11899
- abstract
With the ability to directly obtain the Wigner function and density matrix of photon states, quantum tomography (QT) has had a significant impact on quantum optics, quantum computing and quantum information. By an appropriate sequence of measurements on the evolution of each degreeof freedom (DOF), the full quantum state of the observed photonic system can be determined. The first proposal to extend the application of QT to reconstruction of complete quantum states of matter wavepackets had generated enormous interest in ultrafast diffraction imaging and pump-probe spectroscopy of molecules. This interest was elevated with the advent of ultrafast electron and X-ray diffraction techniques using electron accelerators and X-ray free electron lasers to add temporal resolution to the observed nuclear and electron distributions. However, the great interest in this area has been tempered by the illustration of an impossibility theorem, known as the dimension problem. Not being able to associate unitary evolution to every DOF of molecular motion, quantum tomography could not be used beyond 1D and categorically excludes most vibrational and all rotational motion of molecules. Here we present a theoretical advance to overcome the notorious dimension problem. Solving this challenging problem is important to push imaging molecular dynamics to the quantum limit. The new theory has solved this problem, which makes quantum tomography a truly useful methodology in ultrafast physics and enables the making of quantum version of a molecular movie. With the new theory, quantum tomography can be finally advanced to a sufficient level to become a general method for reconstructing quantum states of matter, without being limited in one dimension. Our new concept is demonstrated using a simulated dataset of ultrafast diffraction experiment of laser-aligned nitrogen molecules.