- authors
- J. Mehlan, S. Uschold, N. O. Hansen, T. Gosau, D. Eggert, M. Spitzer, H. Petersen, S. I. Linke, R. J. Dwayne Miller
- date published
- Jan. 31, 2018
- journal
- Der Ophthalmologe
- volume, number
- 116 (3)
- pages
- 346-350
- web page
- https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00347-018-0653-9?shared-article-renderer
- doi
- https://doi.org/10.1007/s00347-018-0653-9
- abstract
The aim of this study was an analysis of the feasibility of a picosecond infrared laser fiber-assisted sclerostomy (PIRL-FAST) using a novel sapphire fiber and different energy levels of the picosecond laser.