- authors
- A. Choudhuri, G. Chatterjee, J. Zheng, I. Hartl, A. Ruehl, and R. J. D. Miller
- date published
- May 14, 2018
- journal
- Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics
- volume, number
- 124 (6)
- pages
- 103
- web page
- https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00340-018-6966-1
- doi
- 10.1007/s00340-018-6966-1
- abstract
We present the first systematic study of the spatio-spectral polarization properties of a supercontinuum generated in a cubic crystal, yttrium–aluminum garnet (YAG), including a full spectral analysis of the white light core and surrounding ring structure. We observe no depolarization of the supercontinuum, and no spatial dependence of polarization ratios for any wavelength. We discuss the discrepancy of YAG’s polarization behavior in the context of well-established results in literature reporting self-induced depolarization in other cubic crystals.